The Legacy of “I Have a Dream”

BLOG-4-I-HAVE-A-DREAM Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with R.O.C.K. Club

R.O.C.K. Club of Radford, VA, proudly commemorates the enduring legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this January 15th. Particularly, his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, a beacon of hope and a rallying cry for equality and justice.   In the heart of Radford, we gather, inspired by Dr. King’s profound words, echoing through the decades. His speech, delivered with immense passion on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, serves as a timeless reminder of our collective quest for a society where “justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24). This powerful Bible verse mirrors Dr. King’s vision, intertwining spiritual wisdom with the fight for civil rights.  

Embodying Love and Respect for Self and Others

Dr. King’s eloquence and unwavering commitment to nonviolence illuminated the path for change. He inspired not just a nation, but the entire world, with his dream of a future where people are not “judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” In Radford, we strive to embody this ethos, fostering a community bound by respect, understanding, and love.   At R.O.C.K. Club (Reaching Our Community’s Kids), we honor and uphold these values as Christians actively working to build bridges and foster inclusion. In honoring Dr. King’s legacy and promoting unity, we commit to being catalysts for positive change, just as Dr. King was.  

Turning “I Have a Dream” into Reality Takes Commitment and Community

As we reflect on the “I Have a Dream” speech, let us recommit to the ideals of equality and justice. Let us be moved to action, channeling our energy into constructive efforts that uplift and empower. Our dedication to these principles not only honors Dr. King’s memory but also contributes to the realization of his dream.   In this spirit, we invite all members of the Radford community to join us in this ongoing journey of learning, growth, and solidarity in Christ. Together, let us continue to make strides towards a world where dreams of equality and justice are not just aspirations, but realities for all.     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. This January 15, we honor the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his “I Have a Dream” legacy.

Wise Men Still Seek Him


R.O.C.K. Club Reflects on the Journey of the Magi at Christmas

The Christmas story in the Gospel of Matthew paints a vivid picture of the Magi, or Wise Men, on a quest. Guided by a star, these learned men from the East sought the newborn King, Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12). Their journey was not just physical but spiritual, exemplifying a hunger for divine truth and salvation.  

Seeking Christ in Modern Times

Today, we might not follow a star across deserts, but our search for Christ is no less significant. Amid the hustle and bustle of modern life, with its distractions and complexities, connecting with our Savior remains unchanged. We live in a digital age, where answers are often a click away. The deeper, spiritual questions continue to require introspection and faith.  

The Wise Men Show Us the True Gift of Christmas

The Wise Men presented the infant Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These weren’t just random offerings. They symbolize Jesus’ kingship, divinity, and eventual sacrifice. Today, our gifts to Him are not material but of the heart: faith, obedience, and love.  

Finding Christ in Our Lives Today

It’s easy to get lost in the commercialization of the Christmas season. But as members of R.O.C.K. Club, let’s remember its true essence. By seeking Christ through scripture, prayer, and service, we can find Him in our hearts and lives. Just as the Magi were overjoyed when they found Jesus, so too can we experience profound joy in His presence.   The journey of the Magi reminds us of the timeless truth that wise men – and women – still seek Him. This Christmas, let’s renew our commitment to pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus, the reason for the season.   The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. As Christians at Christmas, we invite you to consider how wise men still seek Him.  

A Thankful Heart


Feeling the Essence of Gratitude with R.O.C.K. Club

Thanksgiving, rooted deeply in history and tradition, holds a special place in our hearts. For R.O.C.K. Club, it isn’t just about feasts or gathering. It’s a poignant reminder of the importance of nurturing a thankful heart, recognizing every blessing and challenge alike.  

Biblical Roots of Thanksgiving

The Bible often emphasizes the act of giving thanks. Psalm: 100 4-5: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” This scripture not only underscores the act of giving thanks but also provides a reason: God’s enduring love and faithfulness.  

Cultivating a Thankful Heart

Gratitude isn’t a mere feeling but a practice. Much like how a farmer diligently tends his crops, we must tend to our hearts. We should be sowing seeds of thankfulness and regularly watering them with reflection. This practice then allows us to bear the fruit of joy, peace, and love. Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” It’s evident that a heart filled with gratitude is a fortress against the anxieties of the world.  

R.O.C.K. Club’s Commitment

This Thanksgiving, as the R.O.C.K. Club family, let’s pledge to nurture and fortify our thankful hearts. We do this not just in the face of abundance but also in the face of trials. By pledging, we know that every challenge is an opportunity for growth, molded by the hands of our loving Creator.   As we celebrate Thanksgiving, may this season be a reminder. A thankful heart is the foundation for a life filled with purpose, joy, and God’s eternal love. Let us embrace gratitude today and always.     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. This Thanksgiving, we celebrate the holiday by cultivating a thankful heart.

Fun-tastic Fall Activities


R.O.C.K. Club Invites You to Embrace the Changing Season

If you are looking for some fun-tastic fall activities for your family, R.O.C.K. Club offers a few things to consider. Whether you choose one or all of these, the fall season is a vivid reminder that change comes to us all. We invite you to embrace the changing season, whether you enjoy nature’s colorful leaves or a warmer gathering.  

Leaf-Painting and Gratitude Trees

Fall heralds the arrival of crunchy, colorful leaves that provide the perfect canvas for creativity. Encourage your children to collect a variety of leaves, then break out the paints! Together, you can paint Bible verses or scenes. For added significance, create a Gratitude Tree. Use branches as the base and hang your painted leaves as reminders of things you’re grateful for. This ties beautifully with 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances…”  

Bible Story Campfire Night

There’s nothing like a crackling fire on a crisp fall evening. Assemble the family and light a bonfire or simply gather around a fireplace. Share stories from the Bible, making them come alive with a touch of theatrical narration. Abraham’s call, David’s courage against Goliath, or Jesus’ parables become vivid tales under the starry skies. Remember, Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go…”  

Pumpkin Parables

Pumpkin carving isn’t just for Halloween! It can be a fun, family-focused activity with a biblical twist. As you carve, discuss the transformation we undergo as Christians. Just as the pumpkin gets cleaned out, so does our heart when we accept Christ. Once cleaned, it allows His light to shine brightly through us, much like a candle in a carved pumpkin.  

Attend Local Harvest Festivals

Local harvest festivals offer plenty of fun activities and games for area families. Make it a quest to see how many biblical passages or teachings you might see on display. The bounty of God’s creations await – from apple bobbing and crafts, to haystack hunts and petting zoos. You’ll find something for the entire family. Dive into the biblical importance of harvest, reminding children of passages like Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”   Fall is a season rich with symbolism, from the changing leaves to the bountiful harvests. Let’s embrace it, have fun, and grow closer to God and one another. See you at R.O.C.K. Club!     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. Embrace the changing season with some fun-tastic fall activities.  

How Do We Reflect Jesus?

The R.O.C.K. Club Wants to Help You Understand Your ‘Ambassador’ Role

As Christians, we represent God to the world around us, but how do we reflect Jesus? This culture needs Jesus, but we may be the only reflection of Him that they see. With that in mind, how do we reflect Jesus?   As we evoke Him in our day-to-day lives, we act as a mirror. We need to ask ourselves if that mirror is “clean” or “dirty.” A “clean” mirror will show a crystal-clear reflection of Jesus. A “dirty” mirror will muddy and distort the world’s view of our Savior.   We really have an important role as God’s ambassadors. The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, wants to help you to answer the question, “How do we reflect Jesus?”    

Our World Need Jesus

We live in a confused, dark world. People all around us don’t know where to turn or what to do. Many live in a constant state of anxiety. They look for a solid foundation on which to stand. They search for a way and want truth in a culture that says there is no real truth.   But the Bible tells us in John 14:6 that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He offers hope, love, and life to everyone. He is the rock-solid foundation. And He has tasked those of us who already know Him to tell others about Him. Jesus wants us to reflect Him to this world.    

How Do We Reflect Jesus to a Needy World?

Our question then becomes: “How do we reflect Jesus to a world that needs Him?” To answer this question, let’s consider ourselves as ambassadors. An ambassador represents their country to a foreign land. In theory, the rulers of that foreign land don’t actually converse with the other government. The ambassador acts as a “go-between,” reflecting the policies and positions of his home government.   We are, in essence, ambassadors for Jesus. Our culture doesn’t know Him. People may know about Him or may have heard His name. However, they don’t have a true relationship with Him. Our job in reflecting Jesus to them is to show them who He is and what He is about. We are to show them something different, something better. That “better” thing, however, isn’t from ourselves. It originates from Jesus’ presence in our lives.    

They See The “Fruit” of Our Lives

As ambassadors or “mirrors,” we can tell people about Jesus. But as the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than words.” We as Christians may be the only Jesus that they ever see. How they judge our Savior – the Savior that they need – is by the “fruit” of our lives.  If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, you have the Spirit of God living in you. In the Bible, Galatians 5:22-23 reads, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such, there is no law.” Just like an apple tree produces apples, we will produce this fruit in our lives if we are led by the Holy Spirit.    

What Reflection of Jesus Do You Show the World?

This is the “fruit” that the world should see. But if we ignore the Holy Spirit and our own will leads us, the world will see other “fruit.” This could include selfish behavior, hate, bickering, and more. This is why it is so important for us to consider whether our “mirrors” are “clean” or “dirty.” What representation of Jesus are you reflecting to the world? Do they see a clear reflection, or is their view distorted by your “dirty mirror”?     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. As Christians, it is important for us to consider the question, “how do we reflect Jesus?”

The R.O.C.K. Club Wants Your Kids to Have the Best Year of School

Summer was a relaxing break, but it is time to get your children ready to go back to school. Whether they are in preschool, elementary school, junior high, senior high, or college, you must properly prepare them. This means so much more than getting the right school supplies, though. It is our job to ready them for all of the difficulties that they may face this year. We must even prepare them for the “simple” day-to-day struggles inherent in schooling.   It’s easy for adults to forget what school was like, and in doing so, downplay what our kids may face. But remember, too, that they also face issues that we never faced. With that in mind, the R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, wants to help you to prepare your children to go back to school. We enthusiastically join you in praying that your children have the best school experience ever.      

Gather Supplies Now, and Reduce Your Stress

First, however, remember that school supplies are important. Don’t wait until the night before the first day to start gathering their supplies. Schools, especially preschools and elementary schools, usually send lists of needed supplies a few weeks before the start day. There is no need to procrastinate! Start gathering these supplies as soon as you receive the list. This will significantly reduce your “back to school” stress.    

Going Back to School with the Right Attitude

Your children may enjoy school, or it may be a chore to get them through the door in the morning. It may be a mixture of both. We must, however, help them to understand that school is very important. Foster attitudes of hard work and dedication, not only through your words but also through your actions. This is their current job, after all; they are preparing for their future. They may ask that age-old question, “When am I ever going to use this in my life?” Remind them that they are also learning skills that transcend subjects like math or language arts.    

Prepare Them Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually

A new school year, no matter how exciting it may seem, also brings new obstacles with it. Your child may be shifting from elementary school to junior high, or junior high to senior high, or even high school to college. But even if they aren’t moving to a new school, a new grade brings new challenges. Let them know that you are there for them. Foster an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable talking about their struggles. Listen. Listen hard. Many times, we as grown-ups want to quickly distribute our “sage” advice.   Children, however, want us to hear them, too. And don’t shortchange their experiences just because they are kids. To them, their experiences can be heartbreaking, no matter how silly they seem to us as adults. Most importantly, reinforce to your children that they are not alone. Remind them to trust in God as they go through their school day. Teach them to pray and to do right. Make sure that they are as mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared as possible.     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. We are praying that your children have the best year as they go back to school!

Celebrating Our Freedom

The R.O.C.K. Club Wants Us All to Realize Our Blessings

It is truly a blessing to be celebrating our freedom that we own here in the United States of America. Many times, we unfortunately take it for granted, or may even be callous toward it. But many people sacrificed much to provide it for us. As July dawns, we will celebrate this freedom on Independence Day. Honestly, we as Americans should celebrate it all of the time. “Liberty is too precious a thing to be buried in books,” said the late actor Jimmy Stewart in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” “Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say, ‘I’m free. To think and to speak. My ancestors couldn’t. I can. And my children will.’”   But there is an even greater freedom that all people can have, no matter where they live. It is a freedom available to all men, purchased by sacrifice, too. It is the freedom that we can find in Jesus. The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, wants us all to appreciate our freedoms. Let’s look a little closer at and celebrate both our national and spiritual freedoms.    

Our Freedom in the United States

What does freedom mean to us as citizens of the United States? The dictionary defines “freedom” as “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants, without hindrance or restraint.” That is exactly it, but it is so much more than static words in a book. It’s dynamic.   Founding father Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we have undeniable rights. We are endowed by God, Jefferson wrote, “with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Our freedom is in being who we want to be; we are not determined and held to some lower class. We can think for ourselves and voice our opinion. No one can force us to join a national religion. We can pick our governmental representatives by vote. Americans can hold those same representatives accountable. We are us, not pawns beholden to a monarchy or ruling class. That freedom is worth celebrating every day of our lives!    

Our Freedom in and Through Jesus Christ

As we mentioned earlier, there is an even greater freedom available to all of us. President Ronald Reagan once said, “(National) freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. … It must be fought for, protected, and handed on (to our children).” But even if our national freedom disappears, this greater freedom will never leave us. This is the spiritual freedom that we can find in Jesus.   This freedom was through a sacrifice. Jesus, the Son of God, left Heaven, became a man, and died on the cross to take our punishment for our sins. By trusting Him as our Savior, we can find spiritual freedom and a real relationship with God. Jesus said, in John 8:36, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” We are free from sin and punishment. We are free to live the abundant life that He provided. Everyone can have this freedom, no matter where they live or who they are. Jesus said, in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” That is an eternal freedom, a freedom worth celebrating! Do you have this freedom?     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. As we are celebrating our freedom in the United States this month, think about how Jesus provides us with an everlasting freedom!

The R.O.C.K. Club Wants You to Understand This Life-Changing Concept

Forgiveness is an ideal that is dear to the heart of God. The whole of our relationship with Him is the basis of His forgiveness and mercy to us. Forgiveness is an act of love toward the unlovely. We can all be very thankful that God is a forgiving God. And having His forgiveness, He wants us to be forgiving to others. This, sadly, is not the case for many of us, though. Here at the R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, we want you to understand this life-changing concept of forgiveness.    

Forgiveness for the Servant, but He Won’t Forgive

We begin to teach our children about forgiveness at an early age. If someone knocks them down on the playground, we tell them to forgive them. But even as we teach them, there is a lot that we ourselves need to learn about forgiveness. In the Bible, Matthew 18:21-35 tells the story of Peter as he asks Jesus how many times he should forgive somebody. Jesus then recounts a parable about a servant whose boss forgave him from a sizable debt. That servant, however, refused to forgive another person who owed him, and this incurred his boss’s anger. Let’s take a closer look at the meaning behind Jesus’ parable.    

God Forgives Us Through Jesus Christ

A parable is a story that Jesus told that always had a deeper lesson. As we look at it, let’s first consider the servant. This servant owed a sizable debt, a debt that he couldn’t pay. His boss was going to severely punish him for this, but the servant begged him for forgiveness. The Bible tells us that his boss was moved with compassion for him. Remember, forgiveness is an act of love for the unlovely. His boss forgave him.   We all play the role of the servant. We owe God a sizable debt. We were created to have a relationship with Him, but we walked away from Him through our sin. God is a loving God, but He is also a holy God and can’t tolerate sin. Our actions doomed us to an eternity without Him in a place of punishment for those sinful actions. But God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay our debt. Now, as we realize our sinful state, we can come to God and ask Him for forgiveness. And in love and compassion, He forgives us. We didn’t deserve it, but He did it.    

We Should Forgive Others

As our Bible story continues, that same servant then refused to forgive another person who owed a debt to him. In fact, he got extremely violent with him and had him incarcerated in debtors’ prison. This made the servant’s boss extremely angry, and justifiably so. The servant was given a great gift of forgiveness, and he refused to extend it to someone else.   If we’ve been forgiven, God wants us to extend that same mercy to others. And if we’ve been forgiven for much, then we should forgive for much. It’s simple. God wants us to show the same mercy and compassion to others that He showed to us. A forgiven person should be a forgiving person.    

Forgiveness Can Be Hard

Let’s be honest, though. Forgiveness can be very hard. In the Bible, Peter didn’t really want to forgive. He was looking for an excuse not to forgive. He asked Jesus how many times he was supposed to forgive the same person. Peter wanted a number of times after which he could stop. Jesus answered him, “Up to seventy times seven.” Now, in that answer, Jesus isn’t saying that we should actually count to 490 times. He was teaching Peter that forgiveness is a continuous process. When someone asks for forgiveness, we should forgive them.   But what if someone doesn’t ask for forgiveness? What if they don’t acknowledge that they did something wrong? Isn’t it impossible to extend forgiveness to someone who doesn’t want it? Let’s look at God’s example. God is ready to forgive us when we seek forgiveness from Him. We should do the same. We show love and mercy, and we must hold an attitude of forgiveness, even if the offender refuses to acknowledge the offense. This does two things. It prepares us in case they ever ask for forgiveness, and it frees our mind and heart from grudges and revenge. Forgiveness truly is a word that we and the entire world need today.     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. Remember, God forgave our sins through Jesus, so let’s show forgiveness!

The R.O.C.K. Club Cares About Your Family Connections

With the arrival of May, here is a list of 10 things to do with your child this summer. The coming season is a great time to strengthen your family connections. The children are out of school, or your college student may be home for a few months. There will be a significant amount of time to spend together, so don’t spend it separately.   We here at The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, care about your family connections. Time spent with your children is always important, and more than just mindless fun. It is a time when you prepare them for the future, even by your example. God has created children to be knowledge “sponges.” Your children are going to learn how to live life from somebody. If you are too “busy,” and it is not you, who will it be? This summer, make some great memories, and show your family that you love them, not just tell them. Obviously, this list of 10 things to do with your child is not a comprehensive list. The most important thing is to go and do something.    

10 Things to Do with Your Child This Summer

Put down your phone. Turn off the television. Hide the gaming console controllers. As mentioned above, there is a significant amount of time to spend together with your children. You may argue that there isn’t, but there really is. Understandably, your job takes a high priority, and you must run errands. But aside from that, what is most important to you? What you spend your time on will reveal that.    


Simply take a walk in the woods together. Get some fresh air and enjoy God’s creation.  

Amusement Park

Set aside a day at an amusement park to ride roller coasters and play games. Watch your children enjoy themselves, and allow yourself to be a kid again, too.    

Baseball Game

Even if your family members are not sports fans, enjoying a baseball game together can be a fun, bonding experience.  

Family Vacation

It doesn’t matter where – the beach, the mountains, or anywhere in between – just unplug and get away together.  


Declare a family movie night. Whether you go to the theater or stream something, grab some popcorn and settle in together.  

Play in the Backyard

Mr. Rogers once said, “For children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Let them play and get dirty. Lose the “dignity” of being an adult, and join them.  

Ride Bikes

Get some exercise, enjoy the fresh air, and feed their sense of adventure and exploration.  

Read Together

Do we really need to read books when we have modern technology? Yes! Reading with your children helps them to develop, and also creates a precious bonding experience.    

Sit Around a Fire Pit

Turn off the television and your phone, and enjoy a simple evening around a fire. Roast some hot dogs and marshmallows, talk, and relax.    

Just Be Together

Dance, sing, and laugh. Whatever you do, just do it together. Show them that you love them. Create memories that will last a lifetime.    

Your Family is Important

These are just 10 suggestions of things to do with your child. There is so much more that you can do. The most important thing is to do it together. Give your family all of your attention. You only have so many years to love and influence your children. It may feel like you have all the time in the world, but those years will pass quickly. The most important investment of your life beside your relationship with God is your family. How are you investing in it?   The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. We pray that you are excited to explore different things to do with your child!

What the Resurrection Means for You

The R.O.C.K. Club Wants You to Consider Jesus’ Sacrifice and Restoration

This Easter, our staff at The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, wants you to consider what the resurrection means for you. For many people, the holiday will come and go without a thought to its true meaning. Some may even attend a church service, but only because “that’s what you do on Easter.” But few will truly ponder the real meaning of Easter, and what it personally means to them. Don’t let the day pass you by this year without thinking about what Jesus did for you. We want you to truly think about it, and then act on it!    

What is the Resurrection?

It could be that, to you, Easter only means chocolates, candy, and sneaky bunnies. You may have never heard the real reason behind the holiday. Easter is a remembrance of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was put to death on a cross in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago. But three days after His burial, He rose from the dead. But how is this possible? It is possible because He is the Son of God! The Bible tells us in Matthew 19:26, “… With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” After His resurrection, Jesus many people saw him until He returned to Heaven 40 days later.    

What the Resurrection Means for You

Your question now may be, “What does one event that happened 2,000 years ago have to do with me?” And, you may also ask, why did He have to die at all? Jesus came to die and rise again for you personally! We are all sinners, and since God is holy, He can’t abide sin. People are bound for a Godless eternity in Hell because of our wrong actions. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves. But God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to take your place.   Jesus’s death paid your debt, and His resurrection gives us eternal life! In the Bible, Romans 5:6, 8, 10 read, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. … God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. … For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” That is what the resurrection means for you.    

Please Give Your Life to Jesus

The Bible says because of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, whoever will believe and ask Him to save them will be saved. There is no special requirement or qualification for salvation. The 19th century preacher Charles Spurgeon said that our only qualification for salvation is our lack of qualification. Please consider giving your life to Jesus right now!     The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you more about how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. This Easter, please consider what the resurrection means for you.

Be Blessed, Not Lucky!


This Month, The R.O.C.K. Club Wants You to Understand the Difference

It’s March, and as spring approaches, The R.O.C.K. Club wants you to be blessed, not lucky! This month’s holiday is St. Patrick’s Day. Even if you aren’t Irish, you probably understand the day’s celebration. The holiday’s iconography includes shamrocks, leprechauns, and other representations of Irish tradition. Many will wish each other to have the “Luck O’ the Irish.” Luck, however, is not a real concept, though many believe in it. But God’s blessing is real. This month, let’s discuss the difference between luck and blessing, and why we all should want to have God’s blessing.

Don’t Search for Luck or Karma

There are many people who worry about their luck. You can hear it every day, as they wish each other “good luck.” Others may say, “If it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.” What is luck? Luck is “good or bad things that happen to a person by chance, not by effort or abilities.” Though there are “accidents,” both good and bad, that happen in life, no corporeal concept of “luck” follows people around. Other people worry about karma. Karma is a Hindu and Buddhist belief that a person’s actions in this life and “past lives” will decide their fate in “future lives.” It states that karma will return to people later for things that they have done. While God teaches us in the Bible to “be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23), there really is no tangible representation of karma or luck that haunts people.  

When You Trust in God, You Can Be Blessed

Being blessed, however, is real. It is tangible. Blessing is simply God’s favor and protection. If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, the Bible states that you are God’s child. You are a part of His family, and as such, you never have to worry about His blessing. Just like a father loves, protects, and provides for his kids, God will always care for His children, too.  The Bible tells us that if God cares for the lilies and sparrows, He will care much more for us. He always knows where you are, what you are doing, and how to take care of you. God may have to discipline us, just like a parent disciplines their child, but we will never lose His love. That is God’s blessing; it’s real, and it’s wonderful. And it’s so much better than luck! The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would also love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. This St. Patrick’s Day, don’t hope for luck; be blessed!

God’s Love is For Everyone!


The R.O.C.K. Club Wants You to Understand This Life-Changing Fact

It’s a life-changing experience to realize that God’s love is for everyone. Maybe you have heard this before. Maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’ve wondered if God is even there or if He even cares. The facts are He really is, and He really does. God loves you more than anyone has ever loved you. God’s love is for everyone! In the Bible, John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  This Bible verse tells us how amazing God’s love is. But what does it all mean? The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, wants you to understand that God’s love is for everyone, including you. Let us break down John 3:16 to show you.

“For God So Loved the World…”

John 3:16 begins with this simple but profound statement: “For God so loved the world.” This phrase tells us that God’s love is for everyone. He loves everybody from all nations, races, and walks of life. But we know that there are degrees to love. This small word “so” means that God is going to demonstrate how much He loves you.

“…That He Gave His Only Begotten Son…”

John 3:16 continues by stating, “that He gave His only begotten Son.” What does that mean? He gave His Son away for the world? That’s a whole lot of love. He sent Jesus to shed His blood, and die on a cross for everyone, including you. That’s how much God loves you. He sent His own son to die for you. But why did Jesus have to bleed and die?

“…That Whosoever Believeth in Him Should Not Perish…”

You’ll notice that this phrase from our Bible verse ends with the word “perish.” God loves you, and doesn’t want you to die. But everyone physically dies, right? This means eternal death, separation from God forever in a place called Hell. Death is the punishment that we deserve for our sins, the wrong things we do. But God loves you so much that He gave up His own son to take your place. Jesus died and rose again from the dead so you can be justified. All you have to do is believe in Jesus and ask Him for forgiveness and to save you.

“…But Have Everlasting Life.”

When you trust in Jesus as your Savior, you don’t have to worry about death and Hell. He paid your debt for your sins! Now, you can have eternal life and a real relationship with God. This is what God wants! You will be truly alive, and then live forever with God in Heaven. In the Bible, Jesus says in John 10:10, “…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Remember, God’s Love is For Everyone!

Think about this; God loves you so much that He sent His own son to pay for your sins. In paying that debt, you can now have eternal life and a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. You just have to realize that you are a sinner, and that there is nothing you can do to make it up to God. But you must also realize that Jesus died for your sins, and now, all you have to do is believe in Him, and ask Him to save you. That is love! The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, offers outstanding and compassionate Christian child care and tutoring. We would love to tell you how you can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Call us today at (540) 267-3000. Remember, God’s love is for everyone!