Every citizen of the United States of America should truly understand the importance of freedom. It is a blessing to live in the United States. We may not be a perfect country, but we should remember that, above all, we are free. This month brings with it the arrival of Independence Day. We here at The R.O.C.K. Club in Radford, VA, want to discuss the importance of understanding our freedom.
What is Independence Day?
July 4th is Independence Day. How many people across the United States, though, will focus on its true meaning during its festivities? For that matter, what is Independence Day? What event does it celebrate? Is it just a day off work, to eat hot dogs and hamburgers, to swim, and to launch fireworks? No. Independence Day commemorates a pivotal day in United States history; the day we officially declared ourselves free from English rule.When the 13 original American colonies sought to claim their independence from England, the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia formed a “Committee of Five.” This committee, assembled on June 11, 1776, drafted a declaration of independence. Members of the committee included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman. They collaborated on a general outline of the declaration and elected Jefferson to write the document. After Jefferson returned his draft to Congress, the entire gathering of representatives edited it. Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which is now set aside as our Independence Day. This event also fanned the flames of the Revolutionary War, which lasted until 1783.Adams, who would serve as our second President, actually initiated our Independence Day celebrations in a letter to his wife, Abigail. He felt that we should commemorate our freedom in a most bombastic fashion. “It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more,” he wrote.
The Principles of Freedom in the United States
So, what exactly do we celebrate on Independence Day? Is it just a remembrance of a centuries-old event? It is so much more than that. We celebrate the freedom afforded to us every day of our lives, freedom that we may take for granted. As Americans, we occupy a special position in regard to most of the world and history. We don’t answer to a powerful king or an emperor. Nor do we sit under the iron-fisted rule of a tyrant. We, the people, hold the power in the United States.In America, the citizens elect presidents, representatives, and senators at a national level. We elect representatives, senators, and governors at the state level. We elect local officials. These people are not elected to lord over us; we elect them to represent us, to represent our interests and our will. We are a free people. To be a good citizen of the United States of America, you should not only understand how our freedom works; you should also act upon it. One way to do this is to vote. United States citizens over the age of 18 are eligible to vote in our elections. We must educate ourselves on which candidates stand for what we believe in and vote for them. The United States Census Bureau reports that in the 2020 general election, 67 percent of all United States citizens of voting age voted. This was up five percentage points from the 2016 general election.
The Price of Freedom in the United States
There is, however, an old, very true saying that states that “freedom isn’t free.” The high cost is the blood of men and women of all races and ethnicities who have willingly laid down their lives for our freedom. President Abraham Lincoln called this “the last full measure of devotion,” sacrifices that have spanned from the Revolutionary War to today. Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson lauded the “spirit, that made those heroes dare to die, and leave their children free.” Even more than understanding the principles of freedom in the United States, we must truly understand the price of that freedom.Understanding and appreciation comes from education. School and study can educate someone on the intricacies of our government. However, fully understanding the importance of freedom begins at home. We believe that the family is the most important resource for teaching the principles of freedom. Parents, grandparents, and guardians can teach children how to be good citizens of the United States. They can also teach how valuable freedom is. We are not alone in believing this, either. President Ronald Reagan once said, “Let me offer lesson number one about America: All great change in America begins at the dinner table.”
The Principles of Spiritual Freedom
There is another freedom afforded to everyone, whether they live in the United States or not. This is spiritual freedom. It is freely available to every person, no matter their country, wealth, geopolitical situation, race, or class. Individual freedom is a wonderful thing, but it is nothing in comparison to spiritual freedom. What does it mean, though, to be spiritually free?You must understand that everyone, including you, was born into chains. “What do you mean? I was born free in the United States,” you may say. That is true, but everybody was born into spiritual bondage to sin. In the Bible, Romans 3:23 tells us, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Sin, simply, is the things we do wrong. And, as God is a just God, there must be a punishment for our wrongdoing. The Bible tells us in Romans 6:23a, “For the wages of sin is death…” This is not only physical death, but spiritual death. That means separation from God forever in a place called Hell. This is what we deserve for our sin.But God is also a loving God. He made a way for all of us, no matter where you live or what you do, to experience spiritual freedom.
The Price of Spiritual Freedom
Here’s something to consider: True justice demands that justice be done. So, punishment must happen for a wrongdoing. And honestly, there is nothing we can do to make amends to God for our sins. Even our good works are still tainted by our sinful nature. But God again loves us so much that He made a way to spiritual freedom. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus came to be your substitute, to take your punishment for you. That was the high cost of spiritual freedom. Jesus willingly laid down His life for you. He then rose from the grave three days later to claim victory over death for you. In the Bible, Romans 5:6-8 states, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”What do we need to do to obtain this spiritual freedom from sin, get eternal life, and have a true relationship with God? We just need to believe in Jesus and ask Him to save us. And He will. Through Jesus, and Him alone, you can find spiritual freedom. The Bible states in John 8:36, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”And it is even more important for the family to teach the principles of spiritual freedom, showing the love of Jesus and raising their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)
Our Staff Strives to Support the Family Structure
The R.O.C.K. Club believes in the importance of freedom and of family. We offer Christian child care, educational help, and tutoring for children in Radford, Dublin, Christiansburg, and across Virginia’s New River Valley. Our united aim at The R.O.C.K. Club is to support the family structure across all of our programs. The family is one of the foundations of our great nation and, even more importantly, the first institution established by God. In the Bible, Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Our staff is here to help you teach your children how to follow Jesus. We also want to help you teach them to be good citizens of the United States of America. We pride ourselves on providing loving, supportive Christ-centered care. Every member of our staff loves your children and wants to see them succeed. Contact us today to discuss everything we can do for you and your family.Here at The R.O.C.K. Club, we offer faith-based educational services to families throughout the New River Valley. For information on these services, or to find out how you can have a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ, call us at (540) 267-3000. Don’t forget to celebrate – not just on Independence Day, but every day – the importance of freedom.